Teaching Portfolio
A gallery walk can be used during online or virtual lessons as a strategy to introduce students to sources they can analyze. It works especially well when you are introducing students to sources that they have never seen before, or when you want your students to think critically about different perspectives on a topic.
Gallery walks can be very versatile in terms of intention and difficulty. They students may be asked to do a variety of different things with the information they gather and this can be at any level of Bloom’s Taxonomy; examples: Students can classify, illustrate, summarize, argue, etc. ​
A gallery walk is a form of teaching technique where you move around the class, showing pictures or objects or texts and talking to students/ classmates while they look at them and read through them. It can be used as a form of introduction and review, as well as an active listening exercise. A gallery walk can be a great way to get students to work collaboratively and allow them to get different ideas from one another.